A daily news is a publication that reports current events, often in a short and concise manner. These may be reported in print, television, radio or online. Some may be opinionated while others are strictly factual. The term may refer to the latest news in a particular country or region, or it may be more global in scope. Some newspapers are published on a daily basis while others are published weekly or biweekly.
Usually, a weekly newspaper has less staff than a daily paper and covers a smaller territory, such as one or more towns in rural areas or a few neighborhoods in a large city. Weekly papers often have a public-record section that contains summaries of police and fire incidents, court dispositions and foreclosures/property repossessions. Some states mandate that a designated newspaper of record receive all government notices.
Weekly newspapers also typically have a feature page, which offers entertainment, lifestyle and sports news from local sources. In addition to celebrity gossip, some feature pages may focus on local theater and arts or food reviews. Some have a fashion and beauty section, and some include health and fitness tips.
A weekly newspaper may have a dedicated sports section that features local teams and their achievements. Often, this includes coverage of high school and community teams as well as professional teams if they exist in the area. Many such stories contain detailed accounts of games and often include several photographs. Some articles preview upcoming games between traditional rivals to build excitement for them.
A typical weekly newspaper contains a variety of other news as well, including editorials, letters to the editor and an obituary page. It may also have a columnist or series on a particular subject. A local columnist can add a personal touch to the paper and engage readers. Often, small, independent weeklies do not have full-time journalists and rely on freelancers (often paid on a per-story basis) for their content. Larger weekly papers, particularly those of chains, may employ reporters and photographers. Some have full-time staff who are assigned beats, much like a daily newspaper. For example, a reporter might cover local government, schools or businesses, while another might focus on crime and other community issues. The larger the weekly, the more specialized these beats are likely to be. Many weekly newspapers use pagination software to lay out their pages and design the layout of articles, photographs and captions. Some even hire a designer to create a unique and attractive look for the paper. The majority of large and small, weekly and daily newspapers today use digital cameras to capture images and download them to a computer where they are cropped and edited before being printed. Some have a printer on site to produce the final product. A number of them also utilize a database to keep track of subscribers. Many have a circulation manager and a sales representative who sells advertising. The size of a weekly newspaper’s staff can vary greatly, depending on its circulation.