Business news is a subset of the general press that deals specifically with the day-to-day workings of companies in all types of industries. The business press often covers topics that do not receive a great deal of attention in the mass media, such as management issues and company culture. This press also reports on industry trends, and it is a major source for information on how businesses operate, as well as the challenges facing different business types.
There are many different business magazines, each with its own specialized target audience. The largest business publications are the national ones, such as Business Week and Fortune. These tend to focus on big business and major business news stories, rather than focusing on smaller, niche markets. Smaller business publications often focus on specific types of businesses, such as small businesses or women-owned businesses.
The business press also includes a large number of trade journals and newsletters. There are literally thousands of these, each covering the news and events that pertain to a single type of business. Most of these are subscription-only publications that cover the business news in the specific industry to which they belong. Some of these publications are a part of larger publishing houses that also manage industry-specific trade shows to complement their publication efforts.
Another source of business news is the local newspaper. Most large cities have daily and weekly business sections that report on the companies located in that city or region. These usually include news items pertaining to company management issues, job openings and closings, the time and location of meetings for area business organizations, and reports on how publicly traded companies are doing.
Some larger companies have corporate communications departments that handle public relations for the entire company. These departments may handle the company’s overall communication with the press and the public, and they may also create and distribute internal newsletters that highlight new initiatives and other important company news. The company may also have a public affairs department that handles any issues that could affect the company’s image, such as a scandal or crisis.
Skye Schooley is a staff writer for Business News Daily, writing articles on workplace topics including human resources and entrepreneurship. She performs research and interviews to craft compelling content that helps readers make informed business decisions. Prior to joining BND, she worked in product management roles at hypergrowth companies in the travel and media industries. She also has experience with data analytics and UI/UX design. She uses these skills to collaborate with teams and empower colleagues through actionable data.